Making Tracks:
Pedestrian Safety
(Winter Walk to School Day, Berwick, 2018)
Welcome to the Making Tracks: Pedestrian Safety Teaching Manual. This manual is intended to be used by parents, caregivers, and school teachers. The following activities have been adapted to work for parent-to-child or teacher-to-children teaching. The following will assist you in teaching either your own children, children in your community, or school classes about being active and safe pedestrians. You will use a range of activities to allow participants to experience learning firsthand. Participants will learn by “doing” and will use new skills in a real neighbourhood setting – their own schools and communities. As such, the majority of the participants’ learning experiences will occur outside. You will lead participants safely through the activities contained within each educational session and guide them towards personal growth, increased use of active transportation, and safety awareness. One of your roles is to demonstrate responsible involvement and model expected behaviours as a pedestrian. Remember, you are a role model and children and youth will look to you for guidance.
Getting Started
Teaching Responsibilities:
• To guide children and youth through enjoyable hands-on learning activities
• To create a positive learning environment
• To provide positive feedback to the children and youth participants to help them learn and grow
• To complete Passports after every session for all participants in order to inform them:
what they know (K), what they can do (D), and what they value (V).
The program has been split into two sections, “Parents and Caregivers” and “Teachers”.
Both sections contain the same activities.
“Parents and Caregivers” has a simpler evaluation structure and teaching approach.
“Teachers” has more curriculum-based tools for evaluation and monitoring for school environments.
Regardless of which category you may fall under, feel free to look into each program and discover which one may suit your teaching needs best.