Road Safety
General Pedestrian and Road Safety:
Walk on the sidewalk
If there is no sidewalk, walk on the shoulder facing oncoming vehicles, as far away from the road as possible.
Do not wear headphones.
Do not use any handheld electronic device.
Street Crossing Safety:
Before crossing the street always stop, look left, then right, then left again before proceeding.
If there is a pedestrian crossing push button, push the button to activate the pedestrian crossing light and wait for the walk signal to come on before crossing the street.
If the “Don’t Walk” hand is flashing, do not begin to cross the street.
If you are already in the process of crossing, be sure to finish quickly and safely.When at a crosswalk without signals or a crossing beacon,
indicate your desire to cross by holding your arm straight in front of you.
Ensure that cars have stopped before beginning to cross.
(Photo credit: Jill Ryen)
Photo Credit: Taylor Boylan
Note: According to the Motor Vehicle Act in Nova Scotia, there are crosswalks at every intersection, whether lines are painted or not, and therefore pedestrians always have the right of way at every intersection. However, many drivers do not obey this law and so it is important to make eye contact with drivers and not cross the road until they come to a full stop. For further road safety resources visit
Railway Crossing Safety: •
When you are walking and approach railway tracks you must always stop before you cross.
Just as with crossing the street, stop, look both ways, and listen for a train coming before crossing.
Use caution when leaving a driveway or passing a driveway.
Obey the signs posted.
Wear clothing that will keep you visible, comfortable, and safe when travelling.
Stay to the right of the centre line on multi-use trails or greenways.
Before you cross make eye contact with drivers as they are stopping.
As you cross, continue to look for cars in other lanes, and then proceed with caution.
As you cross also watch for turning vehicles.
Thank the driver or drivers for stopping and give them a smile, nod, or a wave.
If a train is approaching or does go by, be sure to stand at least 5 metres (10 giant steps) away from the tracks.