Has your community adapted your AT plan or any upcoming AT projects in response to COVID-19? Help NSFM’s Active Transportation Committee understand how your active transportation practices have been impacted by COVID-19 (opportunities and challenges) and how best we can support your municipality in positively emerging from the pandemic in two ways:
By completing a brief survey developed by the Active Alliance (the link is below)
By participating in a virtual Town Hall meeting (a Zoom link is below)
The Active Alliance is gathering feedback from active transportation practitioners to understand how Nova Scotian communities are responding to AT-related needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they plan to adapt their AT plans and projects to a post-COVID-19 world.
Please respond to the following survey by Wednesday, June 10th to inform the Town Hall meeting: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ATSurvey_NS
And then, take part in the meeting. On Thursday, June 11 from 11 am – 12 noon, join members of NSFM’s Active Transportation Committee for a virtual Town Hall meeting. The purpose of the Town Hall meeting is to bring active transportation stakeholders (recreation staff, planners, public works, elected officials, etc.) together to discuss the impact COVID-19 has had on active transportation promotion in our municipalities to date, and what is expected in the future.
This conversation and experience sharing will help stakeholders more effectively emerge from COVID-19 and sustain any positive behavioral changes that have taken root. It will also help NSFM’s AT Committee understand how to best support our municipalities in moving forward.
Join NSFM's Active Transportation Committee Town Hall (Zoom) Meeting:
NSFM will send a reminder out on June 11 so you can be sure to take part.
Federal Funding to Support Active Transportation Projects
NSFM’s Active Transportation Committee recommends this National Post article (May 12, 2020) re: $3.35 billion in infrastructure funding from the provincial and territorial component of the Investing in Canada Program to respond to COVID-19.
The article outlines:
The funding will support new or improved paths, bike lanes and nature trails.
The federal government will cover up to 80% of project cost (with the Province to determine how the remaining 20% will be split with municipalities).
The Government of Canada is making an effort to get projects started this summer, with all projects needing to be wrapped up by the end of the 2021 construction season.
It's a good time to consider any shovel-ready active transportation projects in your municipality that need funding, and we will keep you posted when more details on this program are released!