Activity 6:
Life in the Fast Lane
To educate participants on dressing properly for safe walking in the dark or unfavourable lighting conditions
To engage participants in an active learning session based on proper clothing for conditions with poor visibility
Open field or space free of obstacles
Different coloured objects (some are covered in reflective tape, some are black, some white, blue, etc.)
Blindfolds, one per participant
Sunglasses, one per participant
Things to Observe
All participants are engaged in the activity
Participants are discussing how difficult it can be for car drivers to see them.
Safety Considerations
Ensure that the area is free of hazards
Always ask participants if they are comfortable wearing a blindfold and never force them to wear one
Do not place objects in the running area but place them out of the way along the sides.
Remind participants to leave space for others and be cautious not to knock anyone over when moving to the other side of the activity area or when lined up.
Direct the participants to line up shoulder to shoulder with their blindfolds on. If they are uncomfortable wearing a blindfold, they can close their eyes or face the opposite direction.
While the participants cannot see, scatter the various objects along the edges of the running course.
While participants still have their blindfolds on explain that they are now all race-car drivers, and you want to see how fast they can go. On the count of three, have participants take off their blindfold and run as fast as they can to the other side of the activity area (pretend it’s a speed test).
Once the participants arrive on the other side, ask the participants to close their eyes/put on their blindfolds/turn their backs again. Ask if they noticed any objects on the ground as they ran past. How many objects? What were the colors of the objects? What were their sizes?
Now have participants take off the blindfolds and turn around to see how many participants noticed all the objects.
Repeat this sequence with participants screaming as they run (to simulate having the radio on) and with their sunglasses on (to simulate night time).
Re-arrange, add or subtract items each time you do the activity.
Instructional Considerations
Never force any participant to wear a blindfold if they are uncomfortable. Always ask first. Provide participants the option to close their eyes or face the opposite direction instead.
Help participants make a connection between the activity and speeding along in a car.
*Hint: It is harder to see objects when they are dark or dull coloured.
At the end of the activity debrief with the participants. Ask them to respond to these questions:
Do you notice more when you walk? Imagine what you miss seeing when you are speeding along in a car.
Why do you think it is important to dress so that people driving cars can see you?
How can we help motorists see us?
What extra caution do we need to take when out an about in the dark or dull conditions? (e.g., wearing bright clothing, wearing reflective cloth- ing, putting a flashing light on our jacket or bag, buying a reflective knapsack/jacket, etc.)