Session B:
General Safety Awareness
Photo Credit: Cristina Cann
(Knowing (K), Doing (D), Valuing (V))
K: I know that what I wear can help keep me safe when walking.
D: I can dress appropriately for the seasons.
V: Dressing appropriately keeps me safe and helps drivers see me.
*In this session participants will be assessed on their ability to successfully select appropriate clothing during the relay race. Use this information to help you complete the Passport.
Suggestions for Teaching
Before beginning any of the activities in the session, you should speak to the large crew and welcome them back, provide them with an overview of what they will do in the session, and identify the key outcomes they will learn that day.
Don’t forget to take attendance and collect the participants’ Passports.
The focus of this session is to have participants start to take on the responsibility of being safe walkers. Continuously check with participants for their understanding of the task by asking them questions and observing their behaviours. If participants have a lot of questions, go over the main points again.
Complete a Passport for each participant.
If you are teaching a group within your community, the participants should bring home their Passports to discuss and show their parents/caregivers what they learned.
At home participants should be encouraged to discuss:
The proper clothing individuals should wear for different types of weather and lighting conditions.
Participants must also get their parents/caregivers to initial their Passports, which need to be brought with them when they attend the next session, if being conducted in groups within the community.