Session C:
Walking Safety
Chester 2018
(Knowing (K), Doing (D), Valuing (V))
K: I know I need to stop, look and listen before crossing the road.
K: I know that jaywalking is dangerous and against the law.
D: I can choose the proper side of the street to walk on when there is no sidewalk.
D: I can show my parents/caregivers unsafe places along my route and neighbourhood.
D: I can safely cross the street.
V: I know the importance of signaling to drivers when crossing the street or intersection.
V: I appreciate the importance of walking properly in my community.
Suggestions for Teaching
Before beginning any of the activities in the session, you should speak to the large crew and welcome them back, provide them with an overview of what they will do in the session, and identify the key outcomes they will learn that day.
Don’t forget to take attendance and collect the participants’ Passports.
Continuously check with participants for their understanding of the tasks by asking them questions and observing their behaviours. Spend some one-on-one time with a participant who seems to have a lot of questions.
As the participants will be going on a walk (leaving the home location and moving around the community) it is essential to have walked the route or routes beforehand to ensure that they are safe.
You should complete a Passport for each participant.
Participants should then bring home their Passports to discuss and show their parents/caregivers what they learned.
At home participants should be encouraged to discuss:
How to stop, look, and listen before crossing the street
How to safely cross in a number of different areas
Participants must also get their parents/caregivers to initial their Passports, which need to be brought with them when they attend the next session if teaching in community groups.